Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sweeny Todd at the Rio on Broadway

Hi all. Happy New Year! Hope everyone is having a great year so far. I have been sick for all of 2008 therefore the posting is a little delay. Sorry about that. I went to Sweeny Todd with some friends at the Rio on broadway on Sunday Dec 31st. Not only is this one of the best movie theaters in Vancouver, so cute and slighty retro inside but it is one of the cheapest! Only 5 dollars on tuesday. Everyone should go there!

I saw this girl on my way into the theatre and I had to get her photo. I love all the red. Its so interesting that the detail can make or break an outfit. I love how the red gloves match the little bit of red on her shoes. I was very impressed by the fact that she is this nicely put together for a late show movie on a sunday. Nice not to be the only one.

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