Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Wear?

I found this plaid mini in a box of clothing I have been saving at my parents house. I think I got it back in high school but was too shy to wear it. I really want to wear it this fall but I am not sure how to wear it with out looking like I'm still in high school. Any ideas?


Passion4Fashion said...

I think you need to wear it with some boots. Black or brown riding boots. Maybe with a black blazer to make it look less high school. And hair in a stylish topknot.

Anonymous said...

Black boots and a possibly a red leather jacket? =)

Anonymous said...

Black tights, black heels, a black boat-neck sweater. Possibly a beret ;)

Unknown said...

Totally a beret! Genius, Anonymous!

Tiffany Prystay said...

All of these ideas are great!

I don't own a red leather jacket, but a black one would work!

Black blazer and top knot, done!

Tight, Heels, Boatneck in black totally and I even have a red beret!

Thanks for all the help ladies.

cody said...

i think a blazer is better than the leather jacket, looks seriously and for school is that very importan!!
but in any case boots!!

xx cody

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

I was also thinking black tights with black heels. You can always go to weardrobe and type in plaid skirt to see what other people have done, or at least get the ideas going :)