Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy New Year everyone! Hope its been a good year for everyone so far. I want to say sorry for not updating in a while, one the holidays took over my life and second I have left my camera at my parents house on Vancouver Island! I am lost without it. I will do my best to post something, not outfit posts, until I have it back.

Now this post has nothing to do with fashion. Does anyone out there own a crock pot? I am trying to eat at home more, not just because it is a new year but because you can save a lot of money. I'm thinking of getting a crock pot, being a single person means I don't really want to create big elaborate meals for one. I think coming home to already cooked food, and a great smelling apartment sounds great. Plus I am super busy so sometimes I need to eat and go. No time to cook a full meal. I am doing some looking around and it seems that the small ones will work for a family of one. Plus my kitchen is the same size as my closet so smaller is always better. So does anyone have a small one they love? Or a recipe that I should try? I love food and I need to get better at producing it for myself and not always eating out.
I really want a red one since most of my kitchen stuff is red...its my kitchen theme. Maybe even this one, if I can find it anywhere.

The other kitchen appliance I have been lacking is a blender. Lucky for me my friend Alex never uses his so now it has found a new home at my place. Its black but you can't be picky when its free and a good brand. First thing I did was go out and buy frozen berries and yogurt. In fact tomorrow morning I'm making smoothies! Yum!


Dee said...

I was going to buy a Crockpot at London Drugs the other day! It was on sale, and everything but I still couldn't get myself to buy it. However, I might just have to get it when I get my next paycheck.

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

Ooo smoothies! My boyfriend bought me a magic bullet for Christmas and I just bought frozen fruit and yogurt today too! I will definitely try for smoothies tomorrow :)