Monday, January 4, 2010

Single Ladies

I had a great time dancing my ass off on New Years Eve with my friend, Ali at Library Square. Yes, I go there a lot, A LOT! This year Ali and I decided why make huge plans that are going to be a let down and why not just make simple dancing plans. Because let me be honest, there are three things I want to do on New Year's Eve!

1) Wear something awesome..Check! I wore this super short sequined black and gold dress by Ark and Co that very much reminded me of the French Connection dress I saw on Diane Kruger.

2) Dance...check! Danced for hours at Library Square to the best DJ they have had there in the 3 years I have been going there regularly! She should be there at least once a week. The mix of music was everything I wanted and NOTHING I didn't. It was amazing and yes, I told her!

3) Kiss a cute boy at midnight...check! True, I didn't really ask him, I just found one and planted a kiss on him at midnight. And that was all I wanted from him so it was back to dancing.

But there were other awesome things about not having high expectations for the night, I had a lot of fun! I wasn't thinking how it could be a let down and at about 1am we head over to the Winking Judge Pub for one last beer(that I did not need) and this photo shoot happened! Then it was off to bed. I think next year I am going to go low expectation again because it was so much more than I wanted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm not a member of the sight or whatever but i was "google"-ing gold dresses and your sight came up i couldn't help but read and i think you're awesome. your style your attitude and just everything. i'm from tennesee in the U.S. and i'm 18 and you just inspired me and i'm going to do more of what i feel like doing rather than what people expect me to do thanks to you :] i wish i could leave you my e-mail and we could talk but i'm afraid of who might find it haha
--peace <3