Friday, January 8, 2010

Global News

Last night I was on the news. Global news did a story on how polite and helpful Vancouverites actually are to tourists. I was walking past the art gallery when I notice a gentlemen with his maps out looking around. Now when I first moved to Vancouver I got lost all the time and if it wasn't for the kindness of others, I would have never found anything. Eight years later, I like to helps other now that I know where everything is. I ask the man if he was looking for something, gave him directions and then was on my way.

6:30pm rolls around and I get a text message from my friend, Shawn. "I saw you on the news, nicely done." Turns out the gentlemen was undercover for Global news and I never guessed.

Check it out at the 22 min mark.

And remember you never know who might need your help next time.



Trains and Sewing Machines said...

Oh that is so sweet! How cool is that? Just watching this makes me miss Vancouver so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with your grammar and syntax....

Tiffany Prystay said...

Its a conversation with my readers, not an essay. It is a creative outlet and if the my grammer and syntax bother you, feel free not to read my blog.

Tiffany Prystay said...

Also if you have a complaint, why are you being anonymous? Own up to it!